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courses:courses [2021/02/25 22:07] – [Teaching, Courses and Tutorials] wadecourses:courses [2024/12/19 06:54] (current) richter
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   * [[http://www.hbigs.uni-heidelberg.de/|HBIGS graduate school courses]] [[:courses:hbigs:hbigs|further material (restricted)]]   * [[http://www.hbigs.uni-heidelberg.de/|HBIGS graduate school courses]] [[:courses:hbigs:hbigs|further material (restricted)]]
-  * [[:courses:physics:graduate|Physics graduate school course]] (restricted)+  * [[https://hgsfp.uni-heidelberg.de/|Physics graduate school]][[:courses:physics:graduate| Summer school course]] (restricted)
   * [[https://www.mathcomp.uni-heidelberg.de/| HGSMathComp graduate school]] [[:courses:mcm:computation:cmssbdd| Computational methods and strategies in structure-based drug design (restricted)]]    * [[https://www.mathcomp.uni-heidelberg.de/| HGSMathComp graduate school]] [[:courses:mcm:computation:cmssbdd| Computational methods and strategies in structure-based drug design (restricted)]] 
   * [[https://www.mathcomp.uni-heidelberg.de/|HGSMathComp graduate school]] [[:courses:hgs:ratetheories|HGSMathComp graduate school - Reaction rate theories and computational methods given by Prof. Dr. Huan-Xiang Zhou at HGS Mathcomp (restricted)]]     * [[https://www.mathcomp.uni-heidelberg.de/|HGSMathComp graduate school]] [[:courses:hgs:ratetheories|HGSMathComp graduate school - Reaction rate theories and computational methods given by Prof. Dr. Huan-Xiang Zhou at HGS Mathcomp (restricted)]]  
-  * [[https://www.h-its.org/teachings/2019-molecular-biophysics/ |M.Sc. Computational Molecular Biophysics]] Lecture and Practical [[:courses:molbiophys:computation|Further material (restricted)]]+  * [[https://www.h-its.org/teachings/2019-molecular-biophysics/ |M.Sc. Computational Molecular Biophysics]]  
 +    * Lecture and Practical 2022 [[:courses:molbiophys:computation|Further material (restricted)]] 
 +    * Lecture and Practical 2023 [[:courses:molbiophys:computation2023|Further material 2023 (restricted)]] 
 +    * Lecture and Practical 2025 new [[:courses:molbiophys:2025:computation|Further material 2025 (restricted)]] 
   * [[https://www.h-its.org/teachings/ss-2021-machine-learning-for-the-biomolecular-world/ |M.Sc. Machine Learning for the Molecular/Biomolecular World]] Seminar [[:courses:mcm:ml |Further material (restricted)]]   * [[https://www.h-its.org/teachings/ss-2021-machine-learning-for-the-biomolecular-world/ |M.Sc. Machine Learning for the Molecular/Biomolecular World]] Seminar [[:courses:mcm:ml |Further material (restricted)]]
   * [[:courses:mcm:mcb:|M.Sc. Molecular and Cellular Biology]] (restricted)   * [[:courses:mcm:mcb:|M.Sc. Molecular and Cellular Biology]] (restricted)
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   * [[bioinfcourse:bioinfcourse|B.Sc. bioinformatics course at Univ. Heidelberg]] (restricted)   * [[bioinfcourse:bioinfcourse|B.Sc. bioinformatics course at Univ. Heidelberg]] (restricted)
-  * [[:courses:mcm:euroneurotrophin:| Euroneurotrophin course]] (restricted)+  * [[:courses:mcm:euroneurotrophin:| Euroneurotrophin course on structural bioinformatics, Sep 30- Oct 1, 2020]] (restricted)
 +  * [[:courses:mcm:hbpmolsim:| Second HBPMolSim Training Workshop on Tools for Molecular Simulation of Neuronal Signaling Cascades, June 21-23, 2023]]. Talk slides, tutorial files and video are available at : https://flagship.kip.uni-heidelberg.de/jss/HBPm?m=SgD&mI=253 (Ebrains login required)
 ====== Workshops and Conferences ====== ====== Workshops and Conferences ======
 Please find a list of workshops and conferences organized by the MCM group [[conferences:conferences|here]] Please find a list of workshops and conferences organized by the MCM group [[conferences:conferences|here]]
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   ? [[ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QFbxeovFRtg&t=101s |Computational Approaches to Protein Dynamics and Binding Kinetics for Drug Discovery]]   ? [[ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QFbxeovFRtg&t=101s |Computational Approaches to Protein Dynamics and Binding Kinetics for Drug Discovery]]
   : Rebecca Wade, [[https://www.mgms.org/WordPress/lecture-tour/ | Molecular Graphics and Modelling Society (MGMS) Lecture Tour Lecture]], November 24, 2020     : Rebecca Wade, [[https://www.mgms.org/WordPress/lecture-tour/ | Molecular Graphics and Modelling Society (MGMS) Lecture Tour Lecture]], November 24, 2020  
 +  ? [[ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X6lh_Sj-tHY |Ligand unbinding mechanisms and kinetics for T4 lysozyme mutants]]
 +  : Ariane Nunes Alves, [[https://www.theochemmerida.org/redlatfqt | Webinar - Red Latinoamericana de Fisicoquímica Teórica (RedLatFQT)]], February 3, 2021
 +  ? [[ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t0iKzh5vhuU |Tinkering with the linkers: a single-molecule FRET study of the linker-DNA and linker histone on a nucleosome]]
 +  : Madhura De, [[https://generegulation.org/fragile-nucleosome/ | #FragileNucleosome​ seminar]], March 10, 2021
 ====== Tutorials ====== ====== Tutorials ======