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projects:software [2024/05/06 14:39] – richter | projects:software [2024/05/06 14:42] (current) – richter |
^ SDA / \\ webSDA | Simulation of Diffusional Association - \\ Brownian Dynamics Software \\ [[|ECM]] is part of the SDA distribution \\ and allows the \\ calculation of partial charges. | Structures of \\ Solutes | Standalone Software | (([[|SDA 7: A modular and parallel implementation of the simulation of diffusional association software]])) | [[|Download SDA]] | | ^ SDA / \\ webSDA | Simulation of Diffusional Association - \\ Brownian Dynamics Software \\ [[|ECM]] is part of the SDA distribution \\ and allows the \\ calculation of partial charges. | Structures of \\ Solutes | Standalone Software | (([[|SDA 7: A modular and parallel implementation of the simulation of diffusional association software]])) | [[|Download SDA]] | |
^ ::: | ::: | ::: | Webserver | (([[|webSDA: a web server to simulate macromolecular diffusional association.]])) | [[|Run webSDA]] | | ^ ::: | ::: | ::: | Webserver | (([[|webSDA: a web server to simulate macromolecular diffusional association.]])) | [[|Run webSDA]] | |
^ PIPSA / \\ webPIPSA | Comparing electrostatic potentials \\ (or other molecular interaction fields)\\ of protein structures | Protein Structures \\ of the same fold | Standalone Software | (([[|Protein Interaction Property Similarity Analysis. ]])) (([[|qPIPSA: Relating enzymatic kinetic parameters and interaction fields]])) | [[|Download PIPSA/Multipipsa]] You can also run the commandline version in a google colab: | | ^ PIPSA / \\ webPIPSA | Comparing electrostatic potentials \\ (or other molecular interaction fields)\\ of protein structures | Protein Structures \\ of the same fold | Standalone Software | (([[|Protein Interaction Property Similarity Analysis. ]])) (([[|qPIPSA: Relating enzymatic kinetic parameters and interaction fields]])) | [[|Download PIPSA/Multipipsa]] | |
^ ::: | ::: | ::: | Python Interface \\ Multipipsa | ::: | ::: | | ^ ::: | ::: | ::: | Python Interface \\ Multipipsa | ::: | ::: | |
| ^ ::: | ::: | ::: | Google colab \\ commandline | ::: | You can also run the commandline version in a google colab: | |
^ ::: | ::: | ::: | Webserver | (([[|webpipsa: a web server for the comparison of protein interaction properties.]])) | [[|Run Pipsa Analysis]] | | ^ ::: | ::: | ::: | Webserver | (([[|webpipsa: a web server for the comparison of protein interaction properties.]])) | [[|Run Pipsa Analysis]] | |
^ Sycamore | SYstems biology's Computational \\ Analysis and MOdeling Research Environment | Kinetic Data | Webserver | (([[|SYCAMORE-a systems biology computational analysis and modeling research environment.]])) | [[|Sycamore webserver]] | | ^ Sycamore | SYstems biology's Computational \\ Analysis and MOdeling Research Environment | Kinetic Data | Webserver | (([[|SYCAMORE-a systems biology computational analysis and modeling research environment.]])) | [[|Sycamore webserver]] | |