For a short description of Random Acceleration Molecular Dynamics (RAMD) and the key references for the method, see the RAMD entry in KBbox
For a short description of how to use RAMD to calculate relative residence times with the tauRAMD protocol, as well as the key references for the method, see the tauRAMD entry in KBbox
For tutorials describing the τRAMD process of setting up and running RAMD simulations for estimation of the relative residence time (τ) of a protein-small molecule complex, look at the GROMACS or NAMD tutorials on KBBox
For implementations of RAMD, versions are available for GROMACS, NAMD, AMBER and OpenMM.
In addition, scripts for tauRAMD and MD-IFP (Interaction FingerPrint Analysis of Molecular Dynamics trajectories) are available.