Third Biological Diffusion and
Brownian Dynamics Brainstorm: BDBDB3
Heidelberg has many hotels in different price ranges. We can make you the following suggestion based on proximity and price. The hotels with pre-registration
are either walking distance or they are located along a new science bus line heading towards the venue (once every hour).
We have pre-reserved rooms for the conference. When you register, please mention BDBDB3.
- Parkhotel Atlantik
- very close, 15 rooms, incl. breakfast for 90 Euro/night. Invited speakers have priority (and should mention upon booking, that they are on the invited speaker list). Other participants will be put on a waiting list for any remaining rooms. Please mention BDBDB3 at reservation. Pre-Reservation valid till August 15th. 2013.
- Hotel Acor
- 4 single pre-reserved rooms, incl. breakfast for 95 Euro and 2 double rooms for 139 (incl. breakfast). Pre-reservation valid till August 6th. 2013. Please mention BDBDB3.
- Hotel zur Alten Brücke
- 12 rooms incl. breakfast for 139 Euro. Pre-reservation valid till August, 6th. 2013. Please mention BDBDB3.
- Ibis
- Close to the main train station in Heidelberg and fair connection to HITS via S-Bahn plus science bus. Price according to the internet starting from 79 Euro. No pre-reservation.
- Other usefull links: