SDA 7 can be used to carry out Brownian dynamics simulations of the diffusional association in a continuum aqueous solvent of two solute molecules, e.g. proteins, or of a solute molecule to an inorganic surface. SDA 7 can also be used to simulate the diffusion of multiple proteins, in dilute or concentrated solutions, e.g., to study the effects of macromolecular crowding.
For a description of the functionality, see the documentation and references. Changes compared to previous releases can be found in CHANGES.TXT.The current version of SDA (Simulation of Diffusional Association) may be downloaded from this page:
SDA: Simulation of Diffusional Association Version 7.
Contributors to SDA version 7 are:
Michael Martinez, Neil Bruce, Abraham Muniz Chicharro, Julia Romanowska, Daria Kokh, Paolo Mereghetti, Xiaofeng Yu, Jakob Niessner, Musa Ozboyaci, Martin Reinhardt, Patrick Friedrich, Razif Gabdoulline, Stefan Richter and Rebecca Wade
A subset of the functionality of SDA is implemented in webSDA. SDA can be launched using the webSDA web server available at
For help or comments regarding SDA or webSDA, please contact mcmsoft (at)
KTS (Klaus-Tschira foundation.
EU Human Brain Project (SGA1 and SGA2): This open source software was developed in part in the Human Brain Project funded from the European Union's Horizon 2020 Framework Programme for Research and Innovation under Specific Grant Agreements No 720270 and No. 78907 (Human Brain Project SGA1 and SGA2).