SDA (SDA flex)  7.2
Simulation of Diffusional Association
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diffusion_calc.f90 File Reference


program diffusion_calc
 Program diffusion_calc.
subroutine calculate_trans_msd (incoords, msd, max_steps, binned, bin_width, bin_offset, decomp, msd_decomp)
 Read in all coordinates and calculate the translational MSD.
subroutine calculate_rot_msd (inorient, msd, max_steps, inheight, binned, bin_width, bin_offset)
 Read in all orientations and calculate the unbounded rotational MSD – See Mazza et al Phys. Rev. E (2007), 76, 031203.
subroutine calculate_rot_acf (inorient, acf, max_steps, inheight, binned, bin_width, bin_offset)
 Read in all orientations and calculate the rotational autocorrelation function.
subroutine write_function (io_data, funct, interval, binned, bin_width, bin_offset, desc)

Detailed Description

{version 7.2.3 (2019)}

Copyright (c) 2009, 2010, 2015, 2016, 2019 Heidelberg Institute of Theoretical Studies (HITS, Schloss-Wolfsbrunnenweg 35 69118 Heidelberg, Germany

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References: see also

Brownian dynamics simulation of protein-protein diffusional encounter. (1998) Methods, 14, 329-341.

SDA 7: A modular and parallel implementation of the simulation of diffusional association software. Journal of computational chemistry 36.21 (2015): 1631-1645.

Authors: M.Martinez, N.J.Bruce, J.Romanowska, D.B.Kokh, P.Mereghetti, X. Yu, M. Ozboyaci, M. Reinhardt, P. Friedrich, R.R.Gabdoulline, S.Richter and R.C.Wade

Function/Subroutine Documentation

◆ calculate_rot_acf()

subroutine calculate_rot_acf ( real(kind=8), dimension(:,:,:,:), intent(in inorient,
real(kind=8), dimension(:,:), intent(out acf,
integer, intent(in max_steps,
real(kind=8), dimension(:,:), intent(in inheight,
logical  binned,
real(kind=8), intent(in bin_width,
real(kind=8), intent(in bin_offset 

Read in all orientations and calculate the rotational autocorrelation function.

inorient:: 4D array containing coordinates of each solute in each frame. Order (axis, axis vector, solute, frame)
msd:: 2D array for storing the ACF, allows height binning. Order (msd,bin) – MUST BE ALLOCATED IN CALLER
max_steps:: number of frames in the largest time interval over which ACF is calculated
inheight:: 2D vector giving the height of each solute in each frame. Needed for binning
binned:: is the ACF to be binned in z dimension
bin_width:: If binning data in z, what is the width in Ang of the bins
bin_offset:: If binning data in z, at what height does the first bin begin
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ calculate_rot_msd()

subroutine calculate_rot_msd ( real(kind=8), dimension(:,:,:,:), intent(in inorient,
real(kind=8), dimension(:,:), intent(out msd,
integer, intent(in max_steps,
real(kind=8), dimension(:,:), intent(in inheight,
logical  binned,
real(kind=8), intent(in bin_width,
real(kind=8), intent(in bin_offset 

Read in all orientations and calculate the unbounded rotational MSD – See Mazza et al Phys. Rev. E (2007), 76, 031203.

Uses z axis vector as principle axis

inorient:: 4D array containing coordinates of each solute in each frame. Order (axis, axis vector, solute, frame)
msd:: 2D array for storing the MSD, allows height binning. Order (msd,bin) – MUST BE ALLOCATED IN CALLER
max_steps:: number of frames in the largest time interval over which MSD is calculated
inheight:: 2D vector giving the height of each solute in each frame. Needed for binning
binned:: is the MSD to be binned in z dimension
bin_width:: If binning data in z, what is the width in Ang of the bins
bin_offset:: If binning data in z, at what height does the first bin begin
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ calculate_trans_msd()

subroutine calculate_trans_msd ( real(kind=8), dimension(:,:,:), intent(in incoords,
real(kind=8), dimension(:,:), intent(out msd,
integer, intent(in max_steps,
logical  binned,
real(kind=8), intent(in bin_width,
real(kind=8), intent(in bin_offset,
logical  decomp,
real(kind=8), dimension(:,:,:), intent(out msd_decomp 

Read in all coordinates and calculate the translational MSD.

incoords:: 3D array containing coordinates of each solute in each frame. Order (x/y/z, solute, frame)
msd:: 2D array for storing the MSD, allows height binning. Order (msd,bin) – MUST BE ALLOCATED IN CALLER
max_steps:: number of frames in the largest time interval over which MSD is calculated
binned:: is the MSD to be binned in z dimension
bin_width:: If binning data in z, what is the width in Ang of the bins
bin_offset:: If binning data in z, at what height does the first bin begin
decomp:: Should diffusion be decomposed into 1D diffusion in z, and 2D diffusion in xy
msd_decomp:: 3D array for storing the decomposed MSD, allows height binning. Order ([xy,z],msd,bin) – MUST BE ALLOCATED IN CALLER
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ write_function()

subroutine write_function ( integer, intent(in io_data,
real(kind=8), dimension(:,:), intent(in funct,
real(kind=8), intent(in interval,
logical, intent(in binned,
real(kind=8), intent(in bin_width,
real(kind=8), intent(in bin_offset,
character(76), intent(in desc 
Here is the caller graph for this function: