SDA (SDA flex)  7.2
Simulation of Diffusional Association
No Matches
Data Types | Functions/Subroutines
mod_onecomplexe Module Reference

Module to define one_complexe Theses objects are stored in record. More...

Data Types

type  one_complexe
 Objects stored in the list ( for complexes ) or in the array ( for trajectory ) More...


subroutine, public new_onecomplexe (this, nb_int, nb_real, nb_other_real, opt_ibox)
 Allocate an instance of one_complexe
Need only size of variable fields, optional ibox for sdamm.
subroutine delete_onecomplexe (this)
 Delete onecomplexe.
subroutine set_onecomplexe (this, position, box, orient_x, orient_y, array_int_compl, array_real_compl, other_real, size_other_real, bit_integer, bit_energy, opt_sum, nb_to_sum)
 Set values of an one_complexe instance.
subroutine return_compatible_array (this, array_int, array_real, other_real, size_other_real, bit_integer, bit_energy, opt_sum, nb_to_sum)
 Return arrays of data of fixed size.
subroutine return_array_int (this, array_int, bit_integer)
 Same as return compatible array, only for int_ocompl.
subroutine return_array_real (this, array_real, bit_energy, opt_sum, nb_to_sum)
 Same as return_compatible_array, only for real_ocompl.
subroutine update_statistics (this, previous, opt_other_real)
 Update statistics for complexes : occurency, average and std deviation.
subroutine print_onecomplexe (this)
 Test function, convenient for debug.
subroutine make_ascii_string (this, string, format_str)
 Make string, send back a string, only for ascii.
subroutine read_ascii_string (this, string, format_str)
 reading file is done by record or derived, same logic than for writting for binary should change, for both reading and writting....
subroutine read_binary_string (this, io_file, box_info, io_err)
 For reading binary.
subroutine write_binary_string (this, io_file, io_err)
 For writing binary.

Detailed Description

Module to define one_complexe Theses objects are stored in record.

Function/Subroutine Documentation

◆ delete_onecomplexe()

subroutine mod_onecomplexe::delete_onecomplexe ( type ( one_complexe this)

Delete onecomplexe.

Deallocate all arrays

this: instance of one_complexe
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ make_ascii_string()

subroutine mod_onecomplexe::make_ascii_string ( type ( one_complexe this,
character, dimension(*), intent(out string,
character, dimension(*), intent(in format_str 

Make string, send back a string, only for ascii.

Give the format string as input, computed only once
Binary need an other function

this: instance of one_complexe
string: return value
format_str: format of one line
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ new_onecomplexe()

subroutine, public mod_onecomplexe::new_onecomplexe ( type ( one_complexe this,
integer, intent(in nb_int,
integer, intent(in nb_real,
integer, intent(in nb_other_real,
logical, optional  opt_ibox 

Allocate an instance of one_complexe
Need only size of variable fields, optional ibox for sdamm.

this: instance of one_complexe
nb_int: size of int_ocompl
nb_real: size of real_ocompl
nb_other_real: size of other_real_ocompl
opt_ibox: optionaly activate the box information
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ print_onecomplexe()

subroutine mod_onecomplexe::print_onecomplexe ( type ( one_complexe this)

Test function, convenient for debug.

this: instance of one_complexe
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ read_ascii_string()

subroutine mod_onecomplexe::read_ascii_string ( type ( one_complexe this,
character, dimension(*), intent(in string,
character, dimension(*), intent(in format_str 

reading file is done by record or derived, same logic than for writting for binary should change, for both reading and writting....

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ read_binary_string()

subroutine mod_onecomplexe::read_binary_string ( type ( one_complexe this,
integer, intent(in io_file,
logical, intent(in box_info,
integer, intent(out io_err 

For reading binary.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ return_array_int()

subroutine mod_onecomplexe::return_array_int ( type ( one_complexe this,
integer, dimension ( : ), intent(out array_int,
integer ( kind = 2 ), intent(in bit_integer 

Same as return compatible array, only for int_ocompl.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ return_array_real()

subroutine mod_onecomplexe::return_array_real ( type ( one_complexe this,
real ( kind=8), dimension ( : ), intent(out array_real,
integer ( kind = 2 ), intent(in bit_energy,
logical, intent(in opt_sum,
integer, intent(in nb_to_sum 

Same as return_compatible_array, only for real_ocompl.

Extended with nb_types. Convenient if allocate the array inside.
The array should have the correct size, safer if allocated with mod::record::get_nbterms_energy_compatible.

this: instance of one_complexe
array_real: array to fill, store only valid data
bit_energy: indicates which information are stored in one_complexe object
opt_sum: indicates if the sum of the terms must be given or all
nb_to_sum: number of types of grids
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ return_compatible_array()

subroutine mod_onecomplexe::return_compatible_array ( type ( one_complexe this,
integer, dimension ( : ), intent(out array_int,
real ( kind=8 ), dimension( : ), intent(out array_real,
real ( kind=8 ), dimension( : ), intent(out other_real,
integer, intent(in size_other_real,
integer ( kind=2 ), intent(in bit_integer,
integer ( kind=2 ), intent(in bit_energy,
logical, intent(in opt_sum,
integer, intent(in nb_to_sum 

Return arrays of data of fixed size.

Sort of inverse of set_onecomplexe, allow to extract easily the data
bit_integer and bit_energy will provide the information to select the returned data
Extract data from this one_complexe, order and size are fixed ( ntraj, nstep, nprot, nconf...) value is null by default, if not present in one_complexe

Easier to use record % return_compatible_array_wrapper.

add box information

Need to extend with nb_to_sum, keep same variable name May add aprameter for size of other_real

this: instance of one_complexe
array_int,array_real,other_real: array filled by the function
size_other_real: size of array other_real
bit_integer,bit_energy: information wanted in return of the function
opt_sum: if the energy terms should be added are kept separate
nb_to_sum: equal the number of types of solutes
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ set_onecomplexe()

subroutine mod_onecomplexe::set_onecomplexe ( type ( one_complexe this,
real ( kind=8 ), dimension( 3 ), intent(in position,
integer, dimension ( 3 )  box,
real ( kind=8 ), dimension( 3 ), intent(in orient_x,
real ( kind=8 ), dimension( 3 ), intent(in orient_y,
integer, dimension ( : ), intent(in array_int_compl,
real ( kind=8 ), dimension( : ), intent(in array_real_compl,
real ( kind=8 ), dimension( : ), intent(in other_real,
integer, intent(in size_other_real,
integer ( kind=2 )  bit_integer,
integer ( kind=2 )  bit_energy,
logical  opt_sum,
integer, intent(in nb_to_sum 

Set values of an one_complexe instance.

Should be allocated before
Input array from record have a fixed size, only the relevent informations ( gieven by the bits ) are stored in internal array of one_complexe

this: instance of one_complexe
position,box: position of the complex and box information ( default ( 0, 0, 0) )
orient_x,orient_y: orientation of the complex
array_int_compl: to store in int_ocompl
array_real_compl: to store in real_ocompl
other_real: to store in other_real_ocompl
size_other_real: size of array other_real
bit_integer,bit_energy: bits information
opt_sum: if the sum of energy terms is required
nb_to_sum: equal to the number of types in the simulation
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ update_statistics()

subroutine mod_onecomplexe::update_statistics ( type ( one_complexe this,
type ( one_complexe ), pointer  previous,
real ( kind=8 ), dimension ( : ), optional  opt_other_real 

Update statistics for complexes : occurency, average and std deviation.

By default increase occurency by one with the last energy
if used from merge_trajectory, take into account correctly the previous data ( sum of the square of the energy )
should improve, general occurency, average.,.. and only one loop

this: instance of one_complexe
previous: pointer to the original one_complexe to be merged in, if not associated update this
opt_other_real: optional update the other_real terms.
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ write_binary_string()

subroutine mod_onecomplexe::write_binary_string ( type ( one_complexe this,
integer  io_file,
integer  io_err 

For writing binary.

Here is the caller graph for this function: