SDA (SDA flex)  7.2
Simulation of Diffusional Association
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com_sda::parameter_timestep Type Reference

Define type for timestep, can be variable in sda. More...

Collaboration diagram for com_sda::parameter_timestep:

Public Attributes

real(kind=8) dt2f
 need to be computed only once, slope
logical variable
 true if timestep is variable, sda. false if constant sdamm
logical height_dependent_dt
 if true then variable timestep depends only on z dimension (height above zero)
real(kind=8) optimize_exit
 new added, distance between the max timestep and the exit, to check with cutoff if interaction
real(kind=8) dt1
 values read in input, rswd to delete
real(kind=8) swd1
real(kind=8) dt2
real(kind=8) swd2
real(kind=8) rswd

Detailed Description

Define type for timestep, can be variable in sda.

Member Data Documentation

◆ dt1

real ( kind=8 ) com_sda::parameter_timestep::dt1

values read in input, rswd to delete

◆ dt2

real ( kind=8 ) com_sda::parameter_timestep::dt2

◆ dt2f

real ( kind=8 ) com_sda::parameter_timestep::dt2f

need to be computed only once, slope

◆ height_dependent_dt

logical com_sda::parameter_timestep::height_dependent_dt

if true then variable timestep depends only on z dimension (height above zero)

◆ optimize_exit

real ( kind=8 ) com_sda::parameter_timestep::optimize_exit

new added, distance between the max timestep and the exit, to check with cutoff if interaction

◆ rswd

real ( kind=8 ) com_sda::parameter_timestep::rswd

◆ swd1

real ( kind=8 ) com_sda::parameter_timestep::swd1

◆ swd2

real ( kind=8 ) com_sda::parameter_timestep::swd2

◆ variable

logical com_sda::parameter_timestep::variable

true if timestep is variable, sda. false if constant sdamm

The documentation for this type was generated from the following file: