SDA (SDA flex)  7.2
Simulation of Diffusional Association
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mod_crowder::crowder Type Reference

Type to define a crowder. More...

Collaboration diagram for mod_crowder::crowder:

Public Attributes

logical ishape
 Are 3D grids defined for this crowder, or just spherical terms.
type(analytic), dimension(:), pointer p_analytic
 An analytic type for each interaction term. Analytical types already force/energy in 2D array.
integer nterms = 2
 Number of analytical terms to define crowder.
character(10), dimension(2) analytical_names
 String containing names of interaction types.
integer, dimension(2) equivalent_grid
 For each interaction type, what is the equivalent grid number that is replaced.
real(kind=8) h_size
 Bin size of analytical grids.

Detailed Description

Type to define a crowder.

Member Data Documentation

◆ analytical_names

character(10), dimension(2) mod_crowder::crowder::analytical_names

String containing names of interaction types.

◆ equivalent_grid

integer, dimension(2) mod_crowder::crowder::equivalent_grid

For each interaction type, what is the equivalent grid number that is replaced.

◆ h_size

real(kind=8) mod_crowder::crowder::h_size

Bin size of analytical grids.

◆ ishape

logical mod_crowder::crowder::ishape

Are 3D grids defined for this crowder, or just spherical terms.

◆ nterms

integer mod_crowder::crowder::nterms = 2

Number of analytical terms to define crowder.

◆ p_analytic

type(analytic), dimension(:), pointer mod_crowder::crowder::p_analytic

An analytic type for each interaction term. Analytical types already force/energy in 2D array.

The documentation for this type was generated from the following file: