SDA (SDA flex)  7.2
Simulation of Diffusional Association
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Modules | Functions/Subroutines | Variables
mod_sda_input_tools.f90 File Reference


module  mod_sda_input


subroutine mod_sda_input::read_input_sda (tab_prot, filename, tmp_p_list, all_filename_pdb, iflex, iload_pdb, extend_array, opt_all_prot)
 Function for reading the sda input file.
subroutine mod_sda_input::load_pdb (psgrid, filename, opt_center_prot, opt_van, opt_return_center)
subroutine mod_sda_input::load_all_pdbs (tab_prot, filename, nb_prot_group, onedim_filename_pdb, total_conf, extend_array)
 Laod all pdbs in case of flexibility, save with the intermediate of tab_prot and flexibility.
subroutine mod_sda_input::read_listconf_pdb (prot, filename, onedim_filename_pdb, total_conf, bool_extend)
 Read the list of conformations if flexible.


integer, parameter mod_sda_input::maxconf =1000
integer, parameter mod_sda_input::maxgrid =50

Detailed Description

{version 7.2.3 (2019)}

Copyright (c) 2009, 2010, 2015, 2016, 2019 Heidelberg Institute of Theoretical Studies (HITS, Schloss-Wolfsbrunnenweg 35 69118 Heidelberg, Germany

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References: see also

Brownian dynamics simulation of protein-protein diffusional encounter. (1998) Methods, 14, 329-341.

SDA 7: A modular and parallel implementation of the simulation of diffusional association software. Journal of computational chemistry 36.21 (2015): 1631-1645.

Authors: M.Martinez, N.J.Bruce, J.Romanowska, D.B.Kokh, P.Mereghetti, X. Yu, M. Ozboyaci, M. Reinhardt, P. Friedrich, R.R.Gabdoulline, S.Richter and R.C.Wade

Define module mod_sda_input, for reading sda input file by the tools

Used only by tools to retrieve the data, not by sda. Maybe common later, but here is simpler Read main parameters and can load pdbs ( used by trajectory2dcd.f90 )

Special case where arrays have a limit size. May need to modify the values and recompile
