SDA (SDA flex)  7.2
Simulation of Diffusional Association
No Matches
Files | Modules | Functions/Subroutines


file  genbox_subroutines.f90
file  mod_sda_input_tools.f90
file  utils_diffusion.f90


module  mod_histogram
 Module to define a histogram to store binned data.
module  mod_pdb_type
 Module to define a pdb type and pdb reading and writing routine for tools. prepare_atom_protein routine has poor modularity making use in tools difficult. – could be merged later – need to add into protein object structure.


program calc_solvaccess
 Program calc_accessibility.
program cluster_sdamm
 Program cluster_sdammProgram for clustering the configurations of complexes formed between either two proteins or a protein and a surface. Used with SDAMM-type of trajectory.
program contacts_sdamm
 Program contacts_sdammFinding contacts between protein pairs or protein and a surface. Used with SDAMM-type of trajectory.
program convert_grid
 Extend formerprogram ascci2bin and bin2ascii, apbs2uhbd.
program convert_traj_sdamm
 Program convert_traj_sdamm.
program diffusion_calc
 Program diffusion_calc.
program energy_analyze
 Extract energy from sdamm trajectory.
program genbox
 Generate initial configuration for sdamm.
program make_edhdlj_grid
 Prgram make_edhdlj_grid.
program nos2rates
 Extract association rates, and compute average and dispersion from output files of sda_flex.
program rdf
 Program rdf.
program read_record
 Program read_record.
program rot_diffusion
 Program rot_diffusion.
program trans_diffusion
 Program trans_diffusion.
program trajectory2dcd
 Program trajectory2dcd.

Detailed Description

Function/Subroutine Documentation

◆ calc_solvaccess()

program calc_solvaccess

Program calc_accessibility.

Neil Bruce
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ cluster_sdamm()

program cluster_sdamm

Program cluster_sdammProgram for clustering the configurations of complexes formed between either two proteins or a protein and a surface. Used with SDAMM-type of trajectory.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ contacts_sdamm()

program contacts_sdamm

Program contacts_sdammFinding contacts between protein pairs or protein and a surface. Used with SDAMM-type of trajectory.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ convert_grid()

program convert_grid

Extend formerprogram ascci2bin and bin2ascii, apbs2uhbd.

Convert grid UHBD type between ascci and binary format can scale value (ex from kT to kcal/mol )
can conver to dx format, for pymol
note : do not make a real copy of the grid ( save memory ), copy is false copy by default, need to add an option

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ convert_traj_sdamm()

program convert_traj_sdamm

Program convert_traj_sdamm.

Neil Bruce
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ diffusion_calc()

program diffusion_calc

Program diffusion_calc.

Compute the translational MSD and rotational MSD and ACF

Neil Bruce
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ energy_analyze()

program energy_analyze

Extract energy from sdamm trajectory.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ genbox()

program genbox

Generate initial configuration for sdamm.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ make_edhdlj_grid()

program make_edhdlj_grid

Prgram make_edhdlj_grid.

Regroup all the programs into one executable
Accept identical input file as sda6
Parameters specific to this tools are defined in mod_input_parameter.f90, under the type param_list_tools
Parrallelisaed with OpenMP

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ nos2rates()

program nos2rates

Extract association rates, and compute average and dispersion from output files of sda_flex.

This is the original method in previous sda versions
It is updated with the bootstrap algorithm and the python auxiliary program

◆ rdf()

program rdf

Program rdf.

Neil Bruce

Need box information to retrieve the correct position of the solutes


At present calculation not parallelised

Could add option to skip certain number of trajectory frames


Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ read_record()

program read_record

Program read_record.

General program for reading record
Multiple options :

  • convert between binary and ascii
  • extract energy terms : compute partial or total energy for sdamm
  • split conformation : split a complex file with a flexible solute into n files
    to use with -format_cluster, it makes the format compatible with the clustering program
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ rot_diffusion()

program rot_diffusion

Program rot_diffusion.

Correlation functions computed in parrallel with OpenMP
Different methods are implemented for fitting the diffusion coefficients

Common function are implemented in utils_diffusion.f90

2 methods acf : short time diffusion
msd : short and long time, it is an approximation, to try better
sdamm tool : acf_multyprot.f , use for rotational diffusion constant
rotdiff_msd_ensavg_multyprot.f : compute approximation to msd
msd_timeensavg_multyprot.f, use for translational diffusion coefficient
required :
flexibility ? certianly not
surface ? only z ? to do

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ trajectory2dcd()

program trajectory2dcd

Program trajectory2dcd.

Read record (complexes or trajectory file ) and convert to pdb / dcd files
Support sda_2proteins / sdamm with flexible solutes

Consider trajectory by default in the backup, here want to transform complexes to pdbs ( or dcd ) exactly the same problem, prot1 to be prined ??, if pdb no need dummy atoms backup of trajectory, work with prot2 flexible, but link are wrong ( bad input pdb from Mykhylo ) correct bug in increasing array alternative : here put all atoms of all conformations in each dcd frame do not need to increase the size

check possible bug, in allocating list_all_filename, when calling with explicit argument -pdb1/2
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ trans_diffusion()

program trans_diffusion

Program trans_diffusion.

Need box information to retrieve the correct position of the solutes
Correlation functions computed in parrallel with OpenMP
Different methods are implemented for fitting the diffusion coefficients

Common function are implemented in utils_diffusion.f90

sdamm tool : acf_multyprot.f , use for rotational diffusion constant msd_timeensavg_multyprot.f, use for translational diffusion coefficient

2 versions in sdamm :

  • space dependent translational diffusion, use of bins to discretize space msd_klm_ensavg
  • multyprot, average over type of proteins, option z only
Here is the call graph for this function: