SDA (SDA flex)  7.2
Simulation of Diffusional Association
No Matches
Public Attributes | List of all members
mod_record::nodecomplexe Type Reference

Define one Node for the ListComplexe
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Collaboration diagram for mod_record::nodecomplexe:

Public Attributes

type(one_complexe), pointer p_data
 pointer to instance of mod_onecomplexe
integer state
 information about the state of the node: intern, first or last
type(nodecomplexe), pointer p_next
 pointer to the next node
type(nodecomplexe), pointer p_previous
 pointer to the previous node

Detailed Description

Define one Node for the ListComplexe

Member Data Documentation

◆ p_data

type ( one_complexe ), pointer mod_record::nodecomplexe::p_data

pointer to instance of mod_onecomplexe

◆ p_next

type ( nodecomplexe ), pointer mod_record::nodecomplexe::p_next

pointer to the next node

◆ p_previous

type ( nodecomplexe ), pointer mod_record::nodecomplexe::p_previous

pointer to the previous node

◆ state

integer mod_record::nodecomplexe::state

information about the state of the node: intern, first or last

The documentation for this type was generated from the following file: