Data Types | |
type | mod_grid::type_uhbd_grid |
type | mod_grid::type_dtgrid |
type | mod_grid::type_grid |
Contains all data related to grid. More... | |
Modules | |
module | mod_grid |
Module for dealing with 3 dimensional grids. | |
Functions/Subroutines | |
subroutine | mod_grid::allocate_grid (this, xmax, ymax, zmax, opt_logical) |
Allocate grid. | |
subroutine | mod_grid::allocate_grid_uhbd (this, xmax, ymax, zmax, be_logical) |
Allocate the 3d imensional uhbd grid. | |
subroutine | mod_grid::allocate_dtgrid (this, filename, scfct, be_logical) |
subroutine | mod_grid::delete_grid (this) |
Delete the grid. | |
subroutine | mod_grid::delete_uhbd_grid (this) |
Delete UHBD grid Called by delete_grid. | |
subroutine | mod_grid::delete_dtgrid (this, be_logical) |
logical function | mod_grid::is_associated (this) |
function to test if the 3d grid is correctly initiliazed | |
integer function | mod_grid::is_associated_int (this) |
function to test the type of grid variant return type_of_grid | |
subroutine | mod_grid::read_grid (this, filename, grid_type_opt, scfct_opt, read_header_only_opt, iform_opt) |
Read grid file. | |
real(kind=8) function | mod_grid::get_value_real_uhbd (this, i, j, k) |
Test for uhbd and dtgrid. | |
real(kind=8) function | mod_grid::get_value_dtgrid (this, i, j, k) |
Get the value at a point of a dtgrid. | |
logical function | mod_grid::get_value_exclusion_dtgrid (this, i, j, k) |
subroutine | mod_grid::get_voxel_dtgrid (this, i, j, k, voxel) |
real(kind=8) function | mod_grid::get_value (this, i, j, k) |
Test function. | |
subroutine | mod_grid::copy_grid (this, outgrid, opt_form) |
Copy a grid. | |
subroutine | mod_grid::grid_scale (this, scaling) |
Multiply all grid points by a scaling factor. | |
subroutine | mod_grid::exclude (this, exclud_grid) |
Exclude potential interior of grid solute. | |
subroutine | mod_grid::make_sphere (this) |
Set to 0. all points further than a cutoff. The cutoff is the maximum shpere we can include inside the cube. | |
subroutine | mod_grid::set_grid_zero (this) |
subroutine | mod_grid::test_format_grid (this, io_unit) |
Error in make ep_grid, grdflag is a good variable for binary or ascii, but works only if created by module no rules for uhbd ( 1 ) or apbs ( -1 ) use title of electrostatic grid to decide by default in sda, force to read in binary, can be changed now. | |
subroutine | mod_grid::read_header_grid (this, io_unit, status) |
Read header of the file. | |
subroutine | mod_grid::write_grid (this, filename, opt_modif_name, opt_pgrid4) |
Write a grid to a file. | |
subroutine | mod_grid::write_uhbd_grid (this, base, filename, opt_pgrid4) |
Write UHBD grid to a file Called by write_grid. | |
subroutine | mod_grid::read_excl_grid (this, filename, prot_cm, param_probe, status) |
Specific function for reading an exclusion grid. | |
subroutine | mod_grid::write_excl_grid (this, filename, prot_cm, param_probe) |
Write exclusion grid. | |
subroutine | mod_grid::write_grid_dx (this, filename, opt_modif_name) |
Write grid to dx format. | |
subroutine | mod_grid::print_grid (this, io_unit) |
Print information about the grid into a log file. | |
integer function | mod_grid::get_gridtype (this) |
Return the grid type as defined in mod_gridtype. | |
subroutine | mod_grid::shift_origin (this, center) |
Shift the origin of the grid to the given position. | |
subroutine | mod_grid::print_origin (this) |
Print origin, for debug. | |
subroutine | mod_grid::info_grid (this) |
Print information about the grid, may extend. | |
Variables | |
integer, parameter | mod_grid::enum_uhbd = 1 |
integer, parameter | mod_grid::enum_dtgrid = 2 |
Copyright (c) 2009, 2010, 2015, 2016, 2019 Heidelberg Institute of Theoretical Studies (HITS, Schloss-Wolfsbrunnenweg 35 69118 Heidelberg, Germany
Please send your contact address to get information on updates and new features to "". Questions will be answered as soon as possible.
References: see also
Brownian dynamics simulation of protein-protein diffusional encounter. (1998) Methods, 14, 329-341.
SDA 7: A modular and parallel implementation of the simulation of diffusional association software. Journal of computational chemistry 36.21 (2015): 1631-1645.
Authors: M.Martinez, N.J.Bruce, J.Romanowska, D.B.Kokh, P.Mereghetti, X. Yu, M. Ozboyaci, M. Reinhardt, P. Friedrich, R.R.Gabdoulline, S.Richter and R.C.Wade
Define 3D UHBD