SDA (SDA flex)  7.2
Simulation of Diffusional Association
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Data Types | Functions/Subroutines | Variables
mod_grid Module Reference

Module for dealing with 3 dimensional grids. More...

Data Types

type  type_dtgrid
type  type_grid
 Contains all data related to grid. More...
type  type_uhbd_grid


subroutine allocate_grid (this, xmax, ymax, zmax, opt_logical)
 Allocate grid.
subroutine allocate_grid_uhbd (this, xmax, ymax, zmax, be_logical)
 Allocate the 3d imensional uhbd grid.
subroutine allocate_dtgrid (this, filename, scfct, be_logical)
subroutine delete_grid (this)
 Delete the grid.
subroutine delete_uhbd_grid (this)
 Delete UHBD grid Called by delete_grid.
subroutine delete_dtgrid (this, be_logical)
logical function is_associated (this)
 function to test if the 3d grid is correctly initiliazed
integer function is_associated_int (this)
 function to test the type of grid variant return type_of_grid
subroutine read_grid (this, filename, grid_type_opt, scfct_opt, read_header_only_opt, iform_opt)
 Read grid file.
real(kind=8) function get_value_real_uhbd (this, i, j, k)
 Test for uhbd and dtgrid.
real(kind=8) function get_value_dtgrid (this, i, j, k)
 Get the value at a point of a dtgrid.
logical function get_value_exclusion_dtgrid (this, i, j, k)
subroutine get_voxel_dtgrid (this, i, j, k, voxel)
real(kind=8) function get_value (this, i, j, k)
 Test function.
subroutine copy_grid (this, outgrid, opt_form)
 Copy a grid.
subroutine grid_scale (this, scaling)
 Multiply all grid points by a scaling factor.
subroutine exclude (this, exclud_grid)
 Exclude potential interior of grid solute.
subroutine make_sphere (this)
 Set to 0. all points further than a cutoff.
The cutoff is the maximum shpere we can include inside the cube.
subroutine set_grid_zero (this)
subroutine test_format_grid (this, io_unit)
 Error in make ep_grid, grdflag is a good variable for binary or ascii, but works only if created by module no rules for uhbd ( 1 ) or apbs ( -1 ) use title of electrostatic grid to decide by default in sda, force to read in binary, can be changed now.
subroutine read_header_grid (this, io_unit, status)
 Read header of the file.
subroutine write_grid (this, filename, opt_modif_name, opt_pgrid4)
 Write a grid to a file.
subroutine write_uhbd_grid (this, base, filename, opt_pgrid4)
 Write UHBD grid to a file Called by write_grid.
subroutine read_excl_grid (this, filename, prot_cm, param_probe, status)
 Specific function for reading an exclusion grid.
subroutine write_excl_grid (this, filename, prot_cm, param_probe)
 Write exclusion grid.
subroutine write_grid_dx (this, filename, opt_modif_name)
 Write grid to dx format.
subroutine print_grid (this, io_unit)
 Print information about the grid into a log file.
integer function get_gridtype (this)
 Return the grid type as defined in mod_gridtype.
subroutine shift_origin (this, center)
 Shift the origin of the grid to the given position.
subroutine print_origin (this)
 Print origin, for debug.
subroutine info_grid (this)
 Print information about the grid, may extend.


integer, parameter enum_uhbd = 1
integer, parameter enum_dtgrid = 2

Detailed Description

Module for dealing with 3 dimensional grids.

Function/Subroutine Documentation

◆ allocate_dtgrid()

subroutine mod_grid::allocate_dtgrid ( type ( type_dtgrid this,
character*128  filename,
real ( kind=8 )  scfct,
logical  be_logical 
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ allocate_grid()

subroutine mod_grid::allocate_grid ( type ( type_grid ), intent(inout this,
integer, intent(in xmax,
integer, intent(in ymax,
integer, intent(in zmax,
logical, intent(in), optional  opt_logical 

Allocate grid.

this: instance of type_grid
xmax,ymax,zmax: size of the grid in number of cells
opt_logical: if values stored are logical. Default real*4 in disk, real*8 in memory
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ allocate_grid_uhbd()

subroutine mod_grid::allocate_grid_uhbd ( type (type_uhbd_grid), intent(inout this,
integer, intent(in xmax,
integer, intent(in ymax,
integer, intent(in zmax,
logical, intent(in be_logical 

Allocate the 3d imensional uhbd grid.

Called by allocate_grid

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ copy_grid()

subroutine mod_grid::copy_grid ( type ( type_grid this,
type ( type_grid outgrid,
integer, optional  opt_form 

Copy a grid.

Used by tools only
Not a real copy, only the members are copied
The pointer will use the original grid
The new grid can modify some data members ( iform, origin ) and write a new version

May add an option real copy, or internal % real_copy, to known if need to delete

this: instance of type_grid, source grid
outgrid: instance of the target grid
opt_form: optionaly provides the new format. By default use the source format
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ delete_dtgrid()

subroutine mod_grid::delete_dtgrid ( type ( type_dtgrid this,
logical  be_logical 
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ delete_grid()

subroutine mod_grid::delete_grid ( type ( type_grid this)

Delete the grid.

deallocate 3 dimensional grid

this: instance of type_grid
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ delete_uhbd_grid()

subroutine mod_grid::delete_uhbd_grid ( type ( type_uhbd_grid this)

Delete UHBD grid Called by delete_grid.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ exclude()

subroutine mod_grid::exclude ( type ( type_grid this,
type ( type_grid exclud_grid 

Exclude potential interior of grid solute.

this is a pointer to the input grid, can be overloaded in this case

this: instance of type_grid, pointer to the input grid called by convert_grid -exclude can be overloaded in this case
exclud_grid: grid already loaded in convert grid
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ get_gridtype()

integer function mod_grid::get_gridtype ( type (type_grid this)

Return the grid type as defined in mod_gridtype.

◆ get_value()

real ( kind=8 ) function mod_grid::get_value ( type ( type_grid ), intent(in this,
integer, intent(in i,
integer, intent(in j,
integer, intent(in k 

Test function.

keep as intermediate, efficient call get directly the value

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ get_value_dtgrid()

real ( kind=8 ) function mod_grid::get_value_dtgrid ( type ( type_dtgrid ), intent(in this,
integer, intent(in i,
integer, intent(in j,
integer, intent(in k 

Get the value at a point of a dtgrid.

Need a call to C++ function

this: instance of type_dtgrid
i,j,k: position of the cell
value : energy
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ get_value_exclusion_dtgrid()

logical function mod_grid::get_value_exclusion_dtgrid ( type ( type_dtgrid ), intent(in this,
integer, intent(in i,
integer, intent(in j,
integer, intent(in k 

◆ get_value_real_uhbd()

real ( kind=8 ) function mod_grid::get_value_real_uhbd ( type ( type_uhbd_grid ), intent(in this,
integer, intent(in i,
integer, intent(in j,
integer, intent(in k 

Test for uhbd and dtgrid.

◆ get_voxel_dtgrid()

subroutine mod_grid::get_voxel_dtgrid ( type ( type_dtgrid ), intent(in this,
integer, intent(in i,
integer, intent(in j,
integer, intent(in k,
real ( kind=8 ), dimension ( 8 ), intent(inout voxel 

◆ grid_scale()

subroutine mod_grid::grid_scale ( type ( type_grid this,
real ( kind=8 )  scaling 

Multiply all grid points by a scaling factor.

Apply only to UHBD grid

this: instance of type_grid
scaling: multiplicative factor
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ info_grid()

subroutine mod_grid::info_grid ( type (type_grid this)

Print information about the grid, may extend.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ is_associated()

logical function mod_grid::is_associated ( type ( type_grid ), intent(in this)

function to test if the 3d grid is correctly initiliazed

Will check if the correct pointer is associated

this: instance of type_grid
is : true or false
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ is_associated_int()

integer function mod_grid::is_associated_int ( type ( type_grid ), intent(in this)

function to test the type of grid variant return type_of_grid

this: instance of type_grid
is : 1 is UHBD, 2 is dtgrid

◆ make_sphere()

subroutine mod_grid::make_sphere ( type ( type_grid this)

Set to 0. all points further than a cutoff.
The cutoff is the maximum shpere we can include inside the cube.

this: instance of type_grid
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ print_grid()

subroutine mod_grid::print_grid ( type ( type_grid ), intent(in this,
integer, intent(in io_unit 

Print information about the grid into a log file.

Write slice of potential in fort.77 as before and convenient for comparing methods

this: instance of type_grid
io_unit: file descriptor of the output file. Use a log file in sda

◆ print_origin()

subroutine mod_grid::print_origin ( type (type_grid this)

Print origin, for debug.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ read_excl_grid()

subroutine mod_grid::read_excl_grid ( type ( type_grid this,
character, dimension(*)  filename,
real ( kind = 8 ), dimension ( 3 )  prot_cm,
type ( probe_type param_probe,
logical  status 

Specific function for reading an exclusion grid.

Shortcut for exclusion grid. Always logical values Can read UHBD or dtgrid format

this: instance of type_grid
filename: name of the file
prot_cm: center of geometry of the pdb file. used to recenter the grid ?? needed ??
param_probe: instance of probe_type
status: for error report
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ read_grid()

subroutine mod_grid::read_grid ( type ( type_grid this,
character*128  filename,
integer, intent(in), optional  grid_type_opt,
real ( kind=8 ), intent(in), optional  scfct_opt,
logical, intent(in), optional  read_header_only_opt,
integer, intent(in), optional  iform_opt 

Read grid file.

this: instance of type_grid
filename: name of the file
grid_type_opt: optionaly the grid number, mod_gridtype
scfct_opt: optionaly if a multiplicative factor must be applied to all grid points. Default 1
read_header_only_opt: optionaly just print information of the header file. Do not load the grid
iform_opt: optionaly if the file is ascii ( 1 ) or binary ( 0 ). Not necessary for uhbd, will call test_format_grid
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ read_header_grid()

subroutine mod_grid::read_header_grid ( type ( type_grid this,
integer, intent(in io_unit,
integer  status 

Read header of the file.

Fill data member with information of the header iform should be set correctly before calling the function

this: instance of type_grid
io_unit: file descriptor
status: return error code
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ set_grid_zero()

subroutine mod_grid::set_grid_zero ( type ( type_grid this)

◆ shift_origin()

subroutine mod_grid::shift_origin ( type (type_grid), intent(inout this,
real ( kind=8 ), dimension(3), intent(in center 

Shift the origin of the grid to the given position.

Center is the new position of the origin. UHBD uses origin at the lower left corner of the grid

this: instance of type_grid
center: position of the new origin

◆ test_format_grid()

subroutine mod_grid::test_format_grid ( type ( type_grid this,
integer  io_unit 

Error in make ep_grid, grdflag is a good variable for binary or ascii, but works only if created by module no rules for uhbd ( 1 ) or apbs ( -1 ) use title of electrostatic grid to decide by default in sda, force to read in binary, can be changed now.

Test the format of a grid file

Test if the grid is writen in binary or ascii format Trick : I use the filed 4 ( called grdflag ) to store this information in the grid writen by this software
Does not apply to electrostatic grids produced by UHBD or APBS. Need to use header content

this: instance of type_grid
io_unit: file descriptor of the file
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ write_excl_grid()

subroutine mod_grid::write_excl_grid ( type ( type_grid this,
character, dimension(*)  filename,
real ( kind = 8 ), dimension ( 3 )  prot_cm,
type ( probe_type param_probe 

Write exclusion grid.

this: instance of type_grid
filename: name of the file
prot_cm: center of geometry of the solute
param_probe: instance of probe_type

◆ write_grid()

subroutine mod_grid::write_grid ( type ( type_grid this,
character*128  filename,
logical, optional  opt_modif_name,
real ( kind=4 ), dimension (:, :, :), optional, pointer  opt_pgrid4 

Write a grid to a file.

If a pointer to a real*4 3d grid is provided in option, its content will be printed into the file
It avoids the conversion and copy from real*4 to real*8
Apply only to UHBD grids

this: instance of type_grid
filename: name of the file
opt_modif_name: optionaly if true append a suffix ".bin.grd" or ".ascii.grd"
opt_pgrid4: optionaly use an external pointer to 3d dimensional grid. Default use type_grid::p_grid
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ write_grid_dx()

subroutine mod_grid::write_grid_dx ( type ( type_grid this,
character*128  filename,
logical, optional  opt_modif_name 

Write grid to dx format.

Used only by the tool read_record

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ write_uhbd_grid()

subroutine mod_grid::write_uhbd_grid ( type ( type_uhbd_grid ), intent(in this,
type ( type_grid ), intent(in base,
character*128, intent(in filename,
real ( kind=4 ), dimension (:, :, :), optional, pointer  opt_pgrid4 

Write UHBD grid to a file Called by write_grid.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

Variable Documentation

◆ enum_dtgrid

integer, parameter mod_grid::enum_dtgrid = 2

◆ enum_uhbd

integer, parameter mod_grid::enum_uhbd = 1