SDA (SDA flex)  7.2
Simulation of Diffusional Association
No Matches
Public Attributes | List of all members
mod_grid::type_grid Type Reference

Contains all data related to grid. More...

Collaboration diagram for mod_grid::type_grid:

Public Attributes

real(kind=8), dimension(3) origin
 origin of the grid
real(kind=8) factor
 multiplicative factor read in the input
integer grid_type
 refer to mod_gridtype
integer iform
 if the format is ascii ( true ) or binary ( false )
character *128 filename
character *72 title
integer type_of_grid
 parameter uhbd or dtgrid
real(kind=8) scfct
 scaling factot, used ?
logical is_logical
 if set to yes, store logical values, otherwise real number
real(kind=8) h
 spacing of the grid, and scale read from uhbd header but not used
real(kind=8) scale
real hpin
 precomcomputed values
real rp
real rpsq
integer size_x
 size of the grid, in number of cells
integer size_y
integer size_z
integer npx
 not used, to delete ?
integer npy
integer npz
type(type_uhbd_grid), pointer p_grid
 pointer to the 3d array
type(type_dtgrid), pointer p_dtgrid

Detailed Description

Contains all data related to grid.

Most are common to both types : origin, size, h, etc
Grids can be real or logical, be read/writen in binary or ascii format

Only the pointer to the real array may be of type UHBD or dtgrid

Member Data Documentation

◆ factor

real ( kind=8 ) mod_grid::type_grid::factor

multiplicative factor read in the input

◆ filename

character*128 mod_grid::type_grid::filename

◆ grid_type

integer mod_grid::type_grid::grid_type

refer to mod_gridtype

◆ h

real ( kind=8 ) mod_grid::type_grid::h

spacing of the grid, and scale read from uhbd header but not used

◆ hpin

real mod_grid::type_grid::hpin

precomcomputed values

◆ iform

integer mod_grid::type_grid::iform

if the format is ascii ( true ) or binary ( false )

◆ is_logical

logical mod_grid::type_grid::is_logical

if set to yes, store logical values, otherwise real number

◆ npx

integer mod_grid::type_grid::npx

not used, to delete ?

◆ npy

integer mod_grid::type_grid::npy

◆ npz

integer mod_grid::type_grid::npz

◆ origin

real ( kind=8 ), dimension(3) mod_grid::type_grid::origin

origin of the grid

◆ p_dtgrid

type ( type_dtgrid ), pointer mod_grid::type_grid::p_dtgrid

◆ p_grid

type ( type_uhbd_grid ), pointer mod_grid::type_grid::p_grid

pointer to the 3d array

◆ rp

real mod_grid::type_grid::rp

◆ rpsq

real mod_grid::type_grid::rpsq

◆ scale

real ( kind=8 ) mod_grid::type_grid::scale

◆ scfct

real ( kind=8 ) mod_grid::type_grid::scfct

scaling factot, used ?

◆ size_x

integer mod_grid::type_grid::size_x

size of the grid, in number of cells

◆ size_y

integer mod_grid::type_grid::size_y

◆ size_z

integer mod_grid::type_grid::size_z

◆ title

character*72 mod_grid::type_grid::title

◆ type_of_grid

integer mod_grid::type_grid::type_of_grid

parameter uhbd or dtgrid

The documentation for this type was generated from the following file: