geometry is a base (common base ) class
geometry is a base (common base ) class
◆ escape
logical mod_geometry::geometry::escape |
properties of the geometry object If the solutes can escpape, if there is pbc, if there is a surface
◆ half_sphere
logical mod_geometry::geometry::half_sphere |
Apply half_sphere even when not using a surface.
◆ min_height
real ( kind=4 ) mod_geometry::geometry::min_height |
If using spherical geometry with a surface, at what height should the spherical cap b surface start above the surface.
◆ pbc
logical mod_geometry::geometry::pbc |
◆ pbox
type( box ), pointer mod_geometry::geometry::pbox |
pointer to a box geometry
◆ pshere
type( sphere ), pointer mod_geometry::geometry::pshere |
pointer to a sphere geometry
◆ record_startpos
logical mod_geometry::geometry::record_startpos |
recording of start and end positions of simulations
◆ start_position
real ( kind=4 ) mod_geometry::geometry::start_position |
starting and escaping position. redondant wit b and c surface
◆ stop_position
real ( kind=4 ) mod_geometry::geometry::stop_position |
◆ surface
logical mod_geometry::geometry::surface |
◆ type
integer mod_geometry::geometry::type |
type of the contained geometry : box or sphere defined by enumeration
The documentation for this type was generated from the following file: